Found Love in my 40s!

Ankita is a corporate professional, who was always terrified of getting hurt. She began working on this and soon found her love in an unexpected way!

Ankita was someone, who said that she became a ‘career woman’ by fate and not by choice. She came from a simple middle-class family and like every one of her cousins, wanted to get married to a fine man and settle down. The groom-hunt started when she was 22-years-old, and even after 5 years, nothing worthwhile had turned up. She began witnessing how much her cousins had to bend and struggle to make their marriages work.
She got scared, thinking that she cannot do all that and as an escape from this, she had begun to focus on her career more and more.

Today, she is 42 years old and is doing extremely well in her career. The experience of trying for an ‘arranged marriage’ had made her more shy around men and, she would visibly withdraw herself from their presence. She had lost hope of finding a companion, although she was deeply desiring it. She would often tell herself that God, wanted her to be a career woman, and anyway she had done all that she could have; so this is destiny, and she should accept it.

Her family, had left no stone unturned in trying to find her a partner. They visited every known, far and near astrologers and occultists. They were not happy with the results. Every visit and interaction would leave her feeling more dejected and sad. This would reaffirm her beliefs that, she can never be loved by a man and such is her destiny.

When she had tried and tested everything, she finally decided to try out Quantum Healing as well. After her level 1 attunement, in one of her daily meditations, she saw a vision, of herself at a beach with a man. She took this a sign and, she registered with various matrimony sites and meetup sites again. However, nothing much happened.

manifesting love

After almost 10 days of nothingness, something happened! One day, while she was leaving her office after a late evening meeting, she suddenly felt as if somebody was staring at her. She turned around and found that it was one of her business associates. He used always leave the office around the same time, but she has never noticed him before.

Her business associate, who was 50-years-old was separated from his wife, and had been working with her on various projects, for the last 7 years. She had never seen him more than an associate. In fact she was blissfully unaware of his presence around her. Today, all of a sudden, she began noticing this man. He offered to drop her home, since she was unable to book a cab. That ride home was filled with conversations about themselves (for the first time!) and it ended with her promising, to meet him for lunch the following day to try out his favorite restaurant.

2 months later, she saw herself holidaying on the same beach, with him as she has seen in her vision during her meditations. Today, they share a nice satisfying relationship with each other.

Quantum Healing, indeed does magick, even when everything around you, seem